Internships and job

Section administrated by the Dean's Representative for Student Apprenticeship.

I. General information
  • Apprenticeship should be completed during engineering studies (professional practice) and during master's studies (diploma practice).
  • The supervisor of the professional practice is the Dean's Representative for Student Apprenticeship, while the supervisor of the diploma practice is the Deputy Director for Didactics of the relevant Institute.
  • Guidelines for completing the diploma practice can be obtained from the Deputy Director for Teaching Affairs of the relevant Institute
  • Completion of professional practice is the duty of each student, and each student is obliged to organize their own practice.
  • Student apprenticeship, in accordance with the guidelines of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology (, takes place in a company whose activity is thematically related to Mechanical Engineering.
  • The internship lasts 28 days (20 working days free from teaching) and is extended by each day if there are holidays or other days off during the apprenticeship period.
  • The best time for apprenticeship is the holiday period from July 1 to August 31, because the days of the Student's apprenticeship must be free from teaching activities in the Student's schedule.
  • A properly completed apprenticeship report must be submitted by the end of the autumn session, as failure to comply with this obligation results in failure to complete the "Student Apprenticeship" course in due time and conditional registration.
  • After completing the apprenticeship, all documents must be submitted in the original. If the student is unable to submit the required documents in person at the Faculty, he/she may send them by post (via registered letter) to the following address:
    mgr Monika Ambroziak
    pokój 0.5, Wydział Samochodów i Maszyn Roboczych
    ul. Ludwika Narbutta 84
    02-524 Warszawa
II. Procedure, and documents to download (professional practice)

1) Each student is obliged to organize his/her own internship, i.e. independently find a company offering an internship (writing e-mails, sending a CV, telephone conversation, personal meeting, etc.). You can use companies exhibiting at the Job Fair or find other companies from the Mechanical Engineering industry.

2) submitting in person an application for signature by the Dean's Representative for Student Internships to Ms. Monika Ambroziak (room 0.5) on the form available on the SiMR website. The application must be accompanied by proof (e.g. a printout of the transfer of the personal accident insurance premium to PW) of having personal accident insurance (NNW insurance). If the student is unable to submit the required documents in person to the Faculty, he or she may send them by post (via registered letter) to the following address:
mgr Monika Ambroziak
pokój 0.5, Wydział Samochodów i Maszyn Roboczych
ul. Ludwika Narbutta 84
02-524 Warszawa

3) If you do not have your own personal accident insurance, PLEASE REMEMBER TO PAY THE NNW CONTRIBUTION TO PW (

  • Students who want to insure themselves should pay a one-time fee (PLN 60 - annual premium) at the cash desk of Bank Pekao S.A. at ul. Noakowskiego 18. PLEASE NOTE: you must keep the proof of payment of the premium and submit the proof of payment to Monika Ambroziak.
  • Or pay the premium by bank transfer to the account: 71 1240 1053 5111 8100 0010 0091, with the title: name, surname, index number, Wydział SiMR, wpłata dotyczy ubezpieczenia NNW. PLEASE NOTE: Monika Ambroziak must be provided with confirmation of the transfer.

4) after about 2 weeks from submitting the application to Monika Ambroziak, a tripartite contract/agreement between the Student, the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering, and the Company in three copies (one for the Student, the Company, and the Faculty), which should be signed by the Student and the representative Companies.

  • NOTE: If an external company requests an Apprenticeship Referral, after receiving the Agreement from Ms. Monika Ambroziak, the referral should be completed based on the Agreement (according to the template below) and submitted for signature to the Dean's Representative for Student Apprenticeship:
  • The referral must be accompanied by the Apprenticeship Program. If the Company does not agree to the proposed "Praktyka zawodowa-program praktyk ogólny", the Company may prepare an individual internship program, which must be submitted for signature to the Dean's Representative for Student Apprenticeship.

5) after 4 weeks of apprenticeship, please immediately deliver a complete set of documents in person, or by registered mail, to Ms. Monika Ambroziak (room 0.5):

III. Possible ways of doing apprenticeship (professional practice)

1) 28-day apprenticeship in a workplace (Company), where the student performs the duties entrusted to him (procedure described in point II.)

2) WUT Career Office:

3) 28-day apprenticeship at the MZA Company (Miejskie Zakłady Autobusowe Sp. z o.o.), which prepares an individual contract with the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering (a different procedure than described in point II.). After the apprenticeship, a report on the apprenticeship together with a report supplement should be submitted in person, or by registered mail, to Ms. Monika Ambroziak (room 0.5):. 

4) Completion of the apprenticeship on the basis of a minimum 3-month employment/internship (proceedings other than those described in point II.). The documents should be submitted in person or by registered letter to Ms. Monika Ambroziak (room 0.5):

5) Passing the apprenticeship on the basis of running a business related to Mechanical Engineering (a different procedure than described in point II.)

IV. Cooperation with the "Industry" regarding apprenticeship

1) Apprenticeship is a form of learning, not professional work, so companies bear the cost of organizing learning for students. Companies are ready to invest in apprentices because they are interested in employing ambitious, talented and hard-working apprentices on a full-time basis.

2) Applications and CVs for apprenticeship to a given company should be submitted in accordance with the company's procedures.

3) In March/April, a meeting of students of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering with industry representatives interested in providing internships takes place on the MS Teams platform.

4) In November, Job Fairs are held at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering:

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